A Seat At The Table

When I was younger I. could. not. WAIT for the first day of school. The first week of school was exactly that, a week of firsts. We met our new teachers, our new classmates, entered into the next grade level, and the list goes on. For me, the unfamiliar thing I always looked forward to was our seat assignments. Every year our teachers had a seating chart with name plates at each table. It was important to me because that’s where I was going to be placed all year. It’s where I took my tests, learned all of my lessons, that’s where the teacher could find me.
Jessica sits here……
Although we’re adults now and too old for a seating chart, it doesn’t mean our enthusiasm for a seat at the table is any less. As a society we glorify head positions, C-suite titles and any other role that displays power. We desire to have a voice, to be a pivotal part of the big picture so how else can that be accomplished without a title in front of our name or a few degrees under the belt? As a society yes, but in the kingdom, no.
Let’s use the Israelites for example. When it was time to build the tabernacle God had particular instructions on how to build it and he chose specific individuals to do it. He gave them His spirit of wisdom so that they could have the skill and knowledge to carry out the task. A number of people were given the ability to be engravers, designers, weavers and embroiders (Exodus 35:35). All working together, all to reach one goal which was to build the temple (Exodus 31 & 35). We also see it in the diverse structure of the Body of Christ. That all of our many parts form one body (1 Cor 12:12), that God placed every part just as He wanted them to be (1 Cor 12:18) and how each part should have equal concern for one another (1 Cor 12:25). Assigned talents, assigned gifts, and assigned “seats”, if you will.
I’m aware that many of us have multiple gifts and talents that allow us to wear different hats. This is not to say that we only have one job to do in the earth, but that we have plans predestined for us & roles we were made for. Roles that don’t always look desirable to us but are important in the eyes of God. The quite intercessor, the courageous evangelist, the meek musician. Not knowing that the very assignment we're given plays a pivotal part, in the bigger picture.
I believe the bible gives a perfect description of how we should work in our seats and know that we are chosen and specifically handed these roles for a divine reason. It's true unity exemplified. But if I can be honest, I didn’t always see it like that. I thought other gifts and talents were way more desirable than mine. And the very things I was called to do, seemed like it was too tall of an order for me to fulfill.
After a series of events in my own life I began to see how important my seat is. At work, in society, my family, and in the Body of Christ. I also saw how being out of place and having the desire to sit somewhere else can be so detrimental to self. So here are 3 simple, but pivotal things to put into perspective:
1. Your seat is at the table
My avenue might not be in the political realm or my ministry may be the farthest from the stage but if I’m in His will, I'm at His table, and in my seat. That’s good all by itself.
Every joint supplies what’s needed, and if it’s a need, it matters. (Ephesians 4:16)
3. Respect Each Seat
There are roles that are higher in rank and require a lot more responsibility then others. Our President, Pastors, Government Officials and Company Leadership should be respected. Their roles deal with much more than we have to and probably more than we can handle. Therefore we should pray for them, because we’re called to (1 Timothy 2:1-2).